Cosplay Tutorial Contest – Sailor Scouts’ Glove Cuff Tutorial by Brigitt Hardwick




This is a guest post from Brigitt Hardwick, entered in the Cosplay Tutorial Contest. Click here to check out all the participants and their scores, and more details about the contest, like the rules, how to join, the prize, etc.

Author Bio:

Name: Brigitt Hardwick
Gender: Female
Nationality: Canadian
Personal Blogs & Social Networks:You can find me on Facebook, DeviantArt (look for Seiryuu-san), and Cosplay Lab
Comments about the tutorial: This tutorial is about how to make the Sailor Scouts’ glove cuffs (the puffy tubes at the end of the gloves). You can use this tutorial for all the scouts ( yes even Uranus and Neptune. Just put the cuffs on an angle.).


I’m also a devotee for cosplay. To do well in this performance art, I’m interested in hunting for funny, gorgeous or fantastic pictures. From these breathtaking works and interviews done by cosplay talents, I always get inspired.

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