COSPLAY: The Series Ep.12 – What Heroes Are Made Of

The zombie attack, dubbed by the media as just another case of school “possession” hysteria (cultural note: many such cases happen in Indonesia), is over. Annisa and the twins visit Anya who was absent due to illness to check on her well-being. Anya’s Mom tells the story of Anya’s gloomy childhood days and how cosplay saved her daughter. Amidst this idyllic talk, however, the series of dangers are far from over…

COSPLAY: The Series Ep. 09 – Dawn of a New Age

The ninth episode from COSPLAY: The Series, enjoy it.

Vincent and Sukma meeting to discuss old broken promises and the arrival of Nina… Headmistress Kartini claiming to protect the two of them from Nina’s intentions, and Nina calling her back to “The Organization,” because the secret chamber’s location has been compromised… Nina meeting a crew of mysterious folks whose leader controls fire in a strange altar… More questions arise in the series’s season finale, as Q-Cosushinkai begins their recently-approved OC cosplay project…

COSPLAY: The Series Ep.08 – We All Support You

Once again Sukma underestimated Q-Cosushinkai. The Twins’ cover were blown, and it turns out that they were blackmailed by Sukma to cause mischief at the club. As an apology, they have contacted Indonesian mangaka Is Yuniarto to give a speech about how cosplay is in fact “a dream come true” for manga artists, clearing their name once and for all.