Seraph Of The End Mikaela Hyakuya Cosplay Makeup Tutorial

Seraph of the endMakeup is  the art on your face, and for cosplay, it is more about changing your face for a specific character from 2 dimensional world. Mostly eye makeup is the key to the whole look, so we will mainly talk about the Mikaela eye part in this tutorial.

3.Eyebrow pencil
5.Cotton swab

To aviod messing or bluring the makeup, it’s better to wear the contacts ahead of time. Here is how the eyes look like without any makeup.seraph aTo begin with, use concealer to cover all over the eyebrow, apply evenly and tap the edges to make it natural to  see. After that, draw on brows according to the character feature. The eyebrow shape has been marked with red lines as the picture below.

Also pay attention to the eyebrow tail trend.seraph bDo not make the brow heavily penciled, when done with the shaping, it looks like thisseraph cNext, lining eyelids. This is the eyeliner used. seraph dDraw from the inside to the outer corner of the eye without any hands tremble, For the unmarked corner, you can either disregard it or draw according to your own face shape.
Besides, close you eye to check, and take care of the details.Seraph eSeraph fDone with that, appy some shadow to the outer corner of the eye.Seraph gCommonly, anime characters have abnormal big eyes and double eyelids. Here we will use brown eyeliner to  draw a fold on the eyelid. Again, control your hand from trembling. seraph hThen, take out the lipstick, and draw a arc at the lying silkworm area. Spread it evenly with cotton swabs. Seraph iSeraph JIt turns out surprisingly great, right? Apply some mascara, and your eyes will look brighter.   Seraph kNow we’ve almost finished the eye makeup. what’s left are shaping your nose and put on some lip gloss.Seraph lTry on the wig and get excited! Do you feel the thirst for blood?

Quality Mikaela Hyakuya costume and wig  can be found at And more Seraph of the End cosplay and wigs are also available including Yuichiro Hyakuya, Krul Tepes , Ferid Bathory, Shinoa Hiragi, Mitsuba Sangu, Guren Ichinose and Yoichi Saotome.

Seraph costume




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